Fast and slow

Fast: at a very high speed, hastily and quickly
Synonyms: alacritous, impetuous, expeditious, precipitous, promptly

  • Brandon’s alacritous response to every response to every request is “sure, why not!”.
  • When Constance drank too much, she made impetuous choices which often got her into trouble.
  • The man was saved because of the doctor’s expeditious diagnosis.
  • Before the colonel makes a precipitous decision, he must consider the number of lives he might lose in battle.
  • If Bran leaves promptly, he might be able to catch his flight.

Slow: at a low speed, not fast.
Synonyms: dawdle, dilatory, laggard, ponderous, slacken, sluggish.

  • Carl’s biggest concern about the class project is that my group will dawdle and not finish on time.
  • Unhappy with her job, the secretary performed every task at a dilatory pace.
  • My boss asked me to fire the laggard on my team who is not as productive as everyone else.
  • Presentations should be exciting and engaging not pale and ponderous.
  • Once in office, John’s work pace never slackens.
  • The domestic businesses cannot escape the impacts of a sluggish global economy.