Calm and Angry

Calm : not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.
Synonyms: halcyon, placid, sangfroid, serene, tranquil, unruffled.

  • The Smiths were enjoying a halcyon night by the fireplace when the sound of gunfire shattered their peace.
  • While the water may appear placid right now, the waves were quite rough earlier.
  • Even as the building fell around him, the fireman maintained his sangfroid and rescued the little girl.
  • The quiet beach away from the noisy city, made a serene setting for relaxing.
  • Surrounded by a beautiful waterfall and exotic flowers, how could Kate feel anything but tranquil on her vacation?
  • With unruffled spirit Anne kept finding a way out of the jungle, after being separated from her troop.

Angry : feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility
Synonyms: choleric, cantankerous, irate, irascible, incensed,  livid, umbrageous

  • A lack of sleep has turned Harry into a choleric man who finds fault with everything.
  • Richmond was a cantankerous teacher who ruled her classroom like a prison.
  • The irate women vandalized her husband’s car learning that he was cheating on her.
  • It does not take much to aggravate my irascible neighbor who is annoyed by any little noise.
  • Livid with rage, Amy threw the iron pipe into the television set.
  • The incensed customer demanded a refund for the torn dress.
  • When James was fired, he became umbrageous and had to be escorted out of the building.