Finding the right most non zero digit of N!.

If we have to find the right most non zero digit of N! we have two ways:
1. Removing all the 10’s.
2. Using direct formula.

Let’s understand this with an example :

Q.Find the right most non zero digit of 16!

Approach 1:
We will try to remove all 10’s so that we can get non zero digit .
16! = 215 × 36 × 53 × 72 × 11 × 13

How many 10’s will be made ?
As 10 = 2 × 5
So limiting factor (factor which will decide ) will be 5 as exponent of 5 is lesser than that of 2
So 53 so three 10’s will be made
So 103 will be made

So now rewrite 16! as
= 103 × {212 × 36 × 72 × 11 × 13}

So terms inside { } will decide the non zero digit
Now just consider the unit digits of each
212 = 6
36 = 9
72 = 9
111 = 1
131 = 3
Product of all will yield unit digit as 8

So 8 is the right most non zero digit

Approach 2 :
We have a formula for such Questions
Write N = 5a + b form and right most non zero digit will be
2a × a! × b!

16 = 5 × 3 + 1
So right most non zeros digit is
23 × 3! × 1!
=8 (unit digit only )

So when the number is quite big we can use the formula for convenience.